The Wizarding World of HP...
We have Sunway Lagoon and Genting Theme Park.
But on the other side of the world, a new theme park is about to open. Riding on the wave of Harry Potter's world of Witchcraft and Wizardry, J.K. Rowling has just given her stamp of approval on a Harry Potter theme park, tentatively named "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter"!
All aboard for the Harry Potter rollercoaster
"...the Orlando park that is scheduled to open
"...the Orlando park that is scheduled to open
in 2009."
"The park's opening could help to quell the
This comes at an opportune moment when the 7th Harry Potter book is about to be released, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, on 21st July 2007.
How's that for fueling the hype engine. ;-)
Magus Wen Ching, 2007.
withdrawal symptoms
of Potter fans around the globe...""...create the world's first immersive
Harry Potter themed environment."
This comes at an opportune moment when the 7th Harry Potter book is about to be released, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, on 21st July 2007.
How's that for fueling the hype engine. ;-)
Magus Wen Ching, 2007.
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